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Calorie Burn Rates in Jiu Jitsu Training

How many calories are burned in Jiu Jitsu

Understanding the calorie burn rates in Jiu Jitsu training is essential for anyone looking to improve their fitness or manage their weight. 

Or maybe you are just interested to find out: which martial art burns the most calories and what exactly do you burn off during your jiu jitsu sessions.

We wanted to make an explanation that clearly indicated how the training you do makes a difference in energy expenditure and, accordingly, your overall health.

Jiu Jitsu Grappling

Key Components of Jiu Jitsu Training

A Jiu Jitsu training session often consists of several parts that in combination account for the total calorie expenditure, let's see what these are:

1. Warm-up: This is done mostly with calisthenics and stretching exercises, and it is carried out in order to prepare the human body for much intense portions. Often neglected, this stage is quite critical, as it gets the process of calorie burning in motion. This will usually only burn between 15-50 calories.

2. Technique Drills: These are also moderate intensity activities catered to the learning of specific Jiu Jitsu techniques.

Now, as less intense activities compared to sparring, they equally make great contributions to caloric spending, with around 200 - 400 calories burned. Caloric spending here is greatly dependent on the intensity of the training, the drills, and your metabolism.

3. Sparring/Grappling: This is way more intense and thus burns many more calories. Now, the intensity of sparring can vary to some degree, with routines that normally include bouts where the physical activity is pretty intense, increases your heart rate, and burns many calories, even over 500!

"A 125-pound person burns about 70 calories performing a 30-minute stretching routine (or about 28 calories sitting quietly for 30 minutes) "

On average, a person can burn roughly 500-700 calories per hour of Jiu-Jitsu.

Factors Affecting Calorie Burn in Jiu Jitsu

Each person is unique, and this holds true for how many calories you burn during a Jiu Jitsu session. Several factors play a role in determining this:

Body Weight: Generally, individuals with higher body weight burn more calories during physical activity.

Duration: The length of your training session directly impacts the total calories burned.

Intensity Level: Higher intensity activities, like sparring, increase calorie burn compared to lower intensity activities, such as technique drills.

exhausted after a jiu jitsu session

Calculating Your Calorie Burn

To estimate your calorie burn during Jiu Jitsu, you can use a Jiu Jitsu calorie calculator. These calculators consider factors like your weight, the duration of your session, and the intensity level to give you an approximate number of calories burned.

How to use the calculator for calorie burn in Jiu Jitsu

1. Enter your weight in kilograms.

2. Enter the duration of your Jiu Jitsu training session in minutes.

3. Click the "Calculate" button to see the approximate number of calories burned.

Jiu Jitsu Calorie Burn Calculator

Jiu Jitsu Calorie Burn Calculator

How Jiu Jitsu Affects Your Metabolic Rate

Regular Jiu Jitsu training can significantly influence your metabolic rate. By increasing your muscle mass, you can raise your resting metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories even when you're not training. This is one of the key fitness benefits of Jiu Jitsu.

For those looking to gear up for their training, check out our selection of BJJ No Gi gear and BJJ Gis at Made4Fighters.

Enhancing Your Jiu Jitsu Training for Maximum Calorie Burn

Let's look at some practical strategies and tips to make the most of your training sessions and maximise calorie burn.

Always ensure you've had something to eat and drink during the day, so you're properly fuelled. Training on an empty stomach isn't recommended, but avoid starting a session with undigested food as well.

Incorporate High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

One effective way to increase your calorie burn during Jiu Jitsu is by incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your routine. HIIT involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity and periods of rest or lower intensity activity. For example, you can alternate between intense sparring and technique drills, creating a balanced yet highly effective workout.

Focus on Sparring Sessions

As previously mentioned, sparring is one of the most intense parts of Jiu Jitsu training and significantly boosts your calorie burn. Here are a few tips to make the most out of your sparring sessions:

Vary Your Partners: Training with different partners can introduce new challenges and keep your body adapting, which increases calorie burn.

Increase the Duration: Gradually extend your sparring sessions to build endurance and burn more calories.

Keep the Intensity High: Aim to maintain a high level of intensity throughout your sparring rounds to maximise the benefits.

Pay Attention to Nutrition

Your diet plays a crucial role in your fitness journey. To maximise the benefits of your Jiu Jitsu training, ensure your nutrition supports your goals:

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your training sessions.

Balanced Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and aid recovery.

Monitor Calorie Intake: Keep track of your calorie intake to ensure you're fuelling your body appropriately without overeating.

For those looking for training gear, exploring our range of BJJ No Gi gear and BJJ Gis.


Understanding the intricacies of calorie burn in Jiu Jitsu training is key to achieving your fitness goals. 

By incorporating high-intensity intervals, focusing on sparring, integrating strength and conditioning exercises, and paying attention to nutrition and recovery, you can maximise your calorie expenditure and enjoy the numerous fitness benefits of Jiu Jitsu.

No matter your skill level these strategies can help you get the most out of your training sessions. 

calories burned in no gi jiu jitsu

Jiu Jitsu Calorie burning FAQ's:

Is BJJ good for weight loss?

Yes, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is effective for weight loss due to its high-intensity, full-body workouts.

Does BJJ increase metabolism?

Yes, BJJ can increase metabolism as it combines both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, which boosts metabolic rate.

How many calories do you burn in a BJJ competition?

Participants can burn between 700 to 1,000 calories per hour during a BJJ competition, depending on intensity.

How many calories does 1 hour of BJJ burn?

One hour of BJJ can burn approximately 500 to 700 calories, depending on the intensity of the session.