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Black/Black Bytomic Performer Carbon Evo Boxing Gloves


(314 产品)


欢迎来到我们在Made4 Fighters的官方副武术和健身设备。在过去的二十年中, 小字节 赢得了所有与健身和武术有关的领先制造商的声誉,现在被认为是其中之一 英国最大的供应商杰出的装备和设备。

如果您正在寻找一流且负担得起的基本健身设备,以便在家庭健身房中使用 或为您的道场或学校提供武术供应,您在正确的位置。将您的健身制度踢到齿轮上,并通过使用我们精心制作和彻底测试的字节齿轮来磨练您的身体能力;设计为耐磨和安全。


弟子 轴V2拳击手套 在原始轴设计方面提供了很大的一步和耐用性。这些打孔手套是陪练的理想选择,并配有吸湿的衬里和网状手掌,可在整个训练课程中舒适。这些字节性手套有多种颜色和尺寸,Made4 Fighters为男性,女人和儿童提供版本。

bytomic的 遗产拳击手套 由耐用的哑光牛皮皮革制成,毫无疑问是我们迄今为止最好的合身手套。这些陪练手套提供了舒适和保护性的多层注入模制泡沫芯,并有多种尺寸和颜色,包括 黑色的白色的

弟子 表演者V4拳击手套 近10年来一直是畅销书!最新版本具有改进的材料,例如高密度注入模压泡沫芯,耐用的碳效应合成皮革和透气的棕榈区域。这些副拳击手套是在英国设计的,有多种颜色,包括 黑色的, 白色的, 蓝色的红色的 可用于成人和 孩子们.


bytomic的 锦标赛专业手套 是一种模制泡沫,半接触的闭合手指手套,是陪练的理想选择。这些空手道手套具有覆盖手指的握力设计。可用 蓝色的,黑色和 红色的.



bytomic的经典 直踢盾 由高密度泡沫制成,被重型乙烯基覆盖。它包括两个保持位置和背面的一个握把手柄。这 弯曲的踢盾 变体由相同的曲线形状制成,并在背面包括两个垂直固定带和一个水平握把。两种设计都适用于各种武术。


bytomic的 旧的聚焦垫 由牛皮皮革制成,可提供优质的饰面。这些高级武术垫设计具有符合人体工程学的手室和吸收泡沫芯的影响。手腕表带可提供安全的贴合性,并且衬垫后部区域可通过教练进行轻柜台撞击。也有儿童尺寸。

旧的打孔垫 是另一个在Bytomic的拳击垫垫线中。这些耐用的拳击垫子适合各种各样的打孔,上勾拳和钩子。由于垫子设计和泡沫芯,更多的力通过人体吸收,并且在垫子手腕,手和前臂上减少了应变。非常适合那些重型击球手!

bytomic的 轴冲垫 被设计为用于拳击,混合武术和泰拳的多功能醒目工具。其双重手柄提供了多角度的训练体验,并且非常适合拳,踢和膝盖。与传统的焦点手套或泰国垫相比,这些打孔目标可以使更多的力通过人体吸收,并有助于减少垫子架,手和前臂的压力。

bytomic的 聪明的垫子 是我们最畅销的聚焦垫。这些基本垫小足以运输,但撞击很大,由重型乙烯基制成,并覆盖着高冲击泡沫填充物。成对出售并在英国制造! 标志性的Smartie Pads现在可以在独特的字节型红色标签中获得,并有两种时尚的颜色组合可供选择 - 黑色黑色 以及经典的组合 黑白。

几十年的武术专业知识最终 红色标签焦点手套- 为速度和敏捷性而设计的较高零件。滑动设计可确保每次都舒适,从而使您能够进行深入的训练,而不会担心过热。随着耐用的合成皮革结构持续一轮,这些手套非常适合拳击或跆拳道爱好者,以便以经济的价格寻求优质的性能!

字节性红标 聚焦桨 是速度和准确性的出色训练工具。这些手持式跆拳道带有两层浓密的泡沫填充,上面覆盖着耐用的皮革,具有带有弹性腕带的轮廓手柄。


Made4 Fighters库存各种 武术训练装备 取决于您的学科。练习武器,例如 埃斯克里玛棒, 泡沫卡马斯, 泡沫nunchaku, 泡沫bos泡沫tonfas 仅在封闭环境中的专家监督下或用于收集或展示目的的专家监督下出售。



弟子 轴V2胫骨护卫队s轴V2胫骨辅助守卫 旨在在训练和陪练期间为武术从业者提供出色的保护。它们的设计具有新的和改进的人体工程学拟合度,以确保使用过程中的舒适性和稳定性。

另外, 表演者胫卫卫队 旨在在轻巧的同时提供训练和陪同期间提供出色的保护。它们的设计具有新的和改进的人体工程学拟合度,以确保使用过程中的舒适性和稳定性。对于那些寻求空手道装备进行正式比赛的人 Made4战士 提供 空手道胫派 蓝色和红色。


一套为战斗运动,陪练和武术的必不可少的防护设备, 小字节 肘部护卫后卫膝盖守卫 为人体部分倾向于吸收最严重的影响。这些垫子用魔术贴带完全弹性,可固定。

增强您的信心 小字节 红色标签弹性肘部守卫。这些保护性的齿轮是由耐用且舒适的材料制成的,因此您可以不用担心训练,而它们的钩环皮带将它们牢固地放在您的手臂上而没有滑动。最重要的是,它们有多种颜色 黑色的白色的 价格合理!因此,请准备好将训练提升到一个新的水平 - 抓住一些肘部后卫,这些弯头今天与任何外观或心情相匹配!


小字节 经典的腹股沟后卫 提供保护和支持。另外, 豪华腹股沟 旨在在武术制服的内部和外部穿着。


酷警卫胸罩 适用于防止橄榄球,曲棍球和足球等所有运动的痛苦敲击,并且在乳房重量会导致肩部应变的情况下也非常适合慢跑。它支撑乳房,并将它们牢固地处于自然位置。大学的测试证明了这款胸罩是市场上最好的运动文胸之一。这 酷警卫插入 提供坚硬的塑料保护,可以根据预期接触的水平去除。 

马克西护卫运动背心 是活跃运动女性的领先胸后卫,是武术,足球,击剑和曲棍球的理想选择。超长背心有足够的拉伸,因此首先安装了背心,包括 保护性插入物 这适合织物的前层之间,并在训练后移除。超级后卫轻巧,灵活,为女运动员提供了足够的保护。


表演者点吵架 脚垫利用轻巧的设计,可在陪练过程中提供最大的速度和机动性。这些脚护卫具有密集的泡沫填充和耐用的碳效果合成皮革,为跆拳道,空手道,跆拳道做得很好。有多种尺寸和颜色选项。

小字节 锦标赛职业踢 是一种模制泡沫半接触踢,非常适合陪练。这些脚部护卫由人造皮革制成,具有极其耐用的结构,可提供黑色,红色和蓝色多种尺寸。 

轴V2点战斗机踢 旨在通过最艰难的陪练会议来持续。这些踢是具有耐用的合成皮革和密集的泡沫填充物,可持续使用。轴步行后卫使用8条皮带的安全魔术贴图,可提供安全的贴合性,适合跆拳道,空手道和跆拳道训练练习。有多种尺寸和颜色选项。


副胶盾 是一种新的改进设计,旨在在所有武术战斗中提供最佳的舒适性和保护。对于入门级战斗机,请放心,这种口香糖屏蔽将使一切都放置并保护您的牙齿,因此您可以专注于学习和发展技能。选择 成人牙龈盾牌, 和 少年胶盾,两者都有多种颜色选项。

bytomic还提供了 双胶盾 旨在抗议陪练会议期间的上牙和下牙。这些基本的牙齿和口香糖保护器清晰,一件尺寸都适合所有。



小字节 Twin Tiger Muay Thai Shorts 由缎面材料和传统的泰式启发设计制成。完全升华的印刷品包括传统的泰国人Sak Yant纹身的双胞胎纹身,受到Muay Thai Fighters的欢迎以及力量,力量和信念的象征。宽阔的腰带可以将这些短裤牢固地固定在臀部上,而侧缝可确保您具有全范围的运动。


小字节 接触裤 是经典的接触裤,易于穿着。这些轻松的接触裤具有35/65的Polycotton Blend,可用于易于护理。 黑色的白色的 颜色以及 孩子们 相同颜色的尺寸。这 双条纹接触裤 向下添加一个简单的双条纹,以使其清洁。


小字节 表演者V2跆拳道裤! 这些裤子由超轻量级的缎面面料制成,并由标志性的横幅徽标和星星刺穿,可提供舒适的合身性,并由其宽阔的弹性腰带提供最终的安全性。无论您是刚开始还是已经拥有黑带 - 这些裤子都是任何武术爱好者的完美选择;作为学校俱乐部制服的一部分,它们也使其理想。

弟子 网眼跆拳道裤 配备了Polycotton与网状透气面板的混合物,可帮助您在训练和比赛中保持凉爽。裤子包括一个弹性的腰带,带有束带,腿部“踢拳”一词。网状跆拳道裤有黑色/灰色或黑色/红色。

小字节 V3团队跆拳道裤 代表跆拳道设计和时尚的顶峰。这些高质量的跆拳道裤子具有光滑的缎面饰面,腰带弹性腰带,并包括腿上的副徽标。成人和儿童大小都有红色/黑色,蓝色/黑色和黑色/灰色。


小字节 轴V2总后卫 是一种新的且改进的密集泡沫填充模具,旨在通过您最艰难的陪练会议持续使用。这位主卫具有带有脸颊保护的开放式面部设计,可提供出色的保护,同时保持最佳视野。其轻巧的结构可在与可调节的后钩和循环闭合时提供最大的速度和机动性,以确保可自定义的紧密配合。 轴V2总后卫 适用于拳击,跆拳道,泰拳,MMA等!



这 ”红龙冠军“是 超重量级空手道制服 带有经典的日本切割,并带有较短的长袖和裤子。它包括完整的3/4长夹克以及额外的缝线,以供较重的快照! 可用 孩子们成人 尺寸。

Bytomic Martial Arts Equipment and Clothing

Welcome to our range of official Bytomic martial arts and fitness equipment here at Made4Fighters. Over the last two decades, Bytomic have earned their reputation as a leading manufacturer of all things fitness and martial arts related, and are now recognised as one of the largest suppliers in the United Kingdom for outstanding gear and equipment.

If you’re looking for first-rate and affordable Bytomic fitness equipment for use in a home gym, or martial arts supplies for your dojo or school, you’re in the right place. Kick your fitness regime into gear, and hone your physical prowess through the use of our intricately crafted and thoroughly tested Bytomic gear; designed to be hard-wearing and safe.

Boxing Gloves

The Bytomic Axis V2 boxing gloves offer a big step forward in fit and durability over the original Axis design. These punching gloves are ideal for sparring, with a moisture-wicking liner and mesh palm for a comfortable fit throughout your training sessions. These Bytomic gloves are available in multiple colors and sizes, and Made4Fighters offers versions for men, women and kids.

Bytomic’s Legacy boxing gloves are made from a durable matte cowhide leather and is without a doubt our best fitting glove to date. These sparring gloves offer a comfortable and protective multi-layer injection moulded foam core, and are available in multiple sizes and colors including black and white

The Bytomic Performer V4 boxing gloves have been a best seller for almost 10 years! The latest version features improved materials such as a high density injection molded foam core, a durable carbon effect synthetic leather, and a breathable palm area. These Bytomic boxing gloves were designed in the UK and are available in multiple colors including Black, White, Blue and Red available for adults and kids.

Karate Gloves

Bytomic’s Tournament Pro Glove is a moulded foam, semi-contact closed finger glove, ideal for sparring. These karate gloves have a grip design that covers the fingers. Available in Blue, Black and Red.

Martial Arts Equipment and Sparring Accessories

Kick Shields

Bytomic’s classic straight kick shield is made with high density foam covered in a heavy duty vinyl. It includes two holding positions and one grip handle on the back. The curved kick shield variant is made from the same material in a curved shape, and includes two vertical holding straps and one horizontal grip handle on the back. Both designs are suitable for a variety of martial arts.

Focus Pads

Bytomic’s Legacy focus pads are constructed of cowhide leather for a quality finish. These premium martial arts pads have been designed with an ergonomic hand compartment and an impact absorbing foam core. The wrist strap provides a secure fit and the padded rear hand area allows for light counter striking by the coach. Also available in kids sizes.

The Legacy punch cushion is another in Bytomic’s line of boxing focus pads. These durable boxing punch cushions are suitable for a wide array of punches, uppercuts and hooks. Due to the cushion design and the foam core more of the force is absorbed through the body and strain is reduced on the pad holder wrists, hands and forearms. Perfect for those heavy hitters!

Bytomic’s Axis punch cushion is designed as a versatile striking tool for Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and Muay Thai. Its dual handles offer a multi-angular training experience and are also excellent for punches, kicks and knees. When compared to traditional focus mitts or thai pads, these punching targets allow more force to be absorbed through the body and help reduce strain on the pad holders wrists, hands and forearms.

Bytomic’s Smartie Pads are our best selling focus pads. Small enough to transport around but big on impact, these Bytomic pads are made from heavy duty vinyl and covered with high impact foam padding. Sold in pairs and made in the UK! The iconic Smartie Pads are now available in the distinctive Bytomic red label, with two stylish color combinations to choose from - black on black and a classic combination of black and white.

Bytomic’s decades of martial arts expertise culminate in their Red Label Focus Mitts—superior pieces crafted for speed and agility. The slip-on design ensures a comfortable fit every time, allowing you to train intensively without worries about overheating. With the durable synthetic leather construction lasting round after round, these mitts are ideal for both boxing or kickboxing enthusiasts looking for quality performance at an economical price point!

The Bytomic Red-Label Focus Paddle is an excellent training tool for speed and accuracy. Featuring a double layer of dense foam padding covered with durable leather, these handheld taekwondo pads feature a contoured handle with elastic wrist strap.

Martial Arts Practice Weapons

Made4Fighters stocks various martial arts training gear depending on your discipline. Practice weapons such as escrima sticks, foam kamas, foam nunchaku, foam bos and foam tonfas are sold only for martial arts training under expert supervision in a closed environment, or for collection or display purposes.

Protective Apparel

Shin Guards

The Bytomic Axis V2 shin guards and Axis V2 shin instep guards are designed to offer exceptional protection for martial arts practitioners during training and sparring. They have been designed with a new and improved ergonomic fit to ensure comfort and stability during use.

In addition, the Performer shin guards are designed to offer exceptional protection during training and sparring whilst being lightweight. They have been designed with a new and improved ergonomic fit to ensure comfort and stability during use. And for those looking for karate gear for official tournaments, Made4Fighters offers a Karate shin instep guard in blue and red.

Knee and Elbow Guards

An essential set of protective equipment for combat sports, sparring and martial arts, Bytomic padded elbow guards and padded knee guards provide soft foam padding for parts of the body that tend to absorb the hardest impacts. These pads are fully elasticated with a velcro strap for a secure fit.

Increase your confidence with Bytomic Red Label Elasticated Elbow Guards. These protective pieces of gear are made from durable and comfortable material so you can train without worry, while their hook-and-loop straps keep them firmly placed on your arms with no slippage. Best of all, they come in a variety of colors including black and white at an affordable price! So get ready to take training to the next level - grab yourself some elbow guards that match any look or mood today!

Groin Guards

Bytomic classic groin guard provides protection and support. In addition, the deluxe groin guard is designed for wearing on both the inside and outside of martial arts uniforms.

Guard Bras

The Cool Guard Bra is suitable for protection against painful knocks from all sports such as rugby, hockey, and football, and is also excellent for jogging in instances where breast weight can cause shoulder strain. It supports the breasts and holds them firmly in the natural position. University tests proved this bra to be one of the best sports bras on the market. The Cool Guard inserts provide hard plastic protection that can be removed depending on the level of expected contact.

The Maxi Guard Sports Vest is the leading chest guard for active sports women, ideal for martial arts, soccer, fencing and hockey. The maxi vest has plenty of stretch, so the vest is fitted first, and includes a protective insert that fits between the front layers of fabric and removed after training. The Maxi Guard is lightweight, flexible and provides ample protection for female athletes.

Foot Guards

The Performer Point Sparring Kick foot pads utilise a lightweight design that offers maximum speed and manoeuvrability during sparring. Featuring dense foam padding and durable Carbon effect synthetic leather, these foot guards offer excellent foot protection for Kickboxing, Karate, Tae Kwon Do and more. Available in multiple sizes and color options.

The Bytomic Tournament Pro Kick is a moulded foam semi-contact kick perfect for sparring. Made with artificial leather and extremely durable construction, these foot guards are available in black, red and blue in multiple foot sizes.

The Axis V2 Point Fighter Kick is designed to last through your toughest sparring sessions. Featuring durable synthetic leather and dense foam padding, these kicks are made to last. The Axis foot guards use a secure velcro figure of 8 strap to provide a secure fit and are suitable for Kickboxing, Karate, and Taekwondo training exercises. Available in multiple sizes and color options.

Gum Shields

The Bytomic gum shield is a new improved design developed to provide optimum comfort and protection throughout any martial art fight. For entry level fighters, rest assured that this gum shield will keep everything in place and protect your teeth, so you can focus on learning and developing your skills. Choose from adult-sized gum shields, and junior gum shields, both available in a variety of color options.

Bytomic also offers a double gum shield meant to protest both upper and lower teeth during sparring sessions. These basic teeth and gum protectors are clear and one size fits all.

Martial Arts Apparel

Muay Thai Shorts

The Bytomic Twin Tiger Muay Thai shorts are made with a satin material and a traditional Thai inspired design. The fully sublimated print includes the traditional Thai Sak Yant Tattoo of Twin Tigers, popular with Muay Thai fighters and a symbol of strength, power and conviction. The wide elasticated waistband keeps these shorts securely on the hips while the side slits ensure you have full range of movement.

Contact Pants

Bytomic contact pants are a classic contact pant that are easy and comfortable to wear. Featuring a 35/65 polycotton blend for easy care, these relaxed contact pants are available in black and white colours, as well as in kids sizes of the same colors. The double stripe contact pants add a simple double stripe down the legs for a clean fashion.

Kickboxing Pants

Kick up your kickboxing routine with Bytomic Performer V2 Kickboxing Pants! Crafted from an ultra-lightweight satin fabric and punctuated by the iconic Bytomic logo and stars, these trousers offer a comfortable fit plus ultimate security courtesy of their wide elastic waistband. Whether you're just starting out or already have your black belt – these pants are perfect for any martial arts enthusiast; making them ideal too as part of school's club uniform.

The Bytomic Mesh Kickboxing Pants feature a polycotton blend with mesh breathable panels to help keep you cool during training and competition alike. The pants include an elasticated waistband with a drawstring and the words “Kick Boxing” down the side of the leg. The Mesh kickboxing pants are available in black/grey or black/red.

Bytomic V3 Team Kickboxing Pants represent the pinnacle of kickboxing design and fashion. These high quality kickboxing pants feature a smooth satin finish, an elasticated waistband and include the Bytomic logo on the leg. Available in red/black, blue/black and black/grey for both adults and kids sizes.

Sparring Helmets

The Bytomic Axis V2 Head Guard is a new and improved dense foam padding mould designed to last through your toughest sparring sessions. Featuring an open face design with cheek protection, this head guard provides excellent protection whilst maintaining optimum field of vision. Its lightweight construction offers maximum speed and manoeuvrability during sparring with an adjustable rear hook and loop closure to ensure a customizable and tight fit. The Axis V2 Head Guard is suitable for Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA and more!

Martial Arts Uniforms

For Karate

The "Red Dragon Champion" is a super heavyweight Karate uniform with a classic Japanese Cut and featuring shorter length sleeves and trousers. It includes a full 3/4 length jacket plus extra rows of stitches for that heavier snap! Available in Kids and Adult sizes.