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Black Bytomic Red Label V-Neck Martial Arts Uniform


(24 产品)


在 Made4战士 我们很荣幸能提供各种各样的女性武术制服,包括各种各样的 跆拳道制服。我们致力于在质量方面提供最好的品牌,在业内广受信任的品牌,以及我们寻找武术服装和设备中最新的创新和工程学的人。您会看到类似的品牌 Mooto小字节 和 前十 在整个网站上一次又一次地出现。


Tae Kwon做 最初是在韩国练习的,在那里得到了名字。 “ tae”是指脚,“夸恩”意为拳头,做拳头的意义,因此“脚和拳头的方式”。 跆拳道制服 源自空手道GI,随着时间的流逝而演变为典型的V领 Tae Kwon做 我们今天看到的西装。与许多其他武术制服通常在顶部包裹着,V颈形是在 跆拳道制服 这就是使它在武术学科中独一无二的原因。这意味着 Tae Kwon做战斗机s 可以执行罢工而不必担心其制服会在此顶部打开,从而破坏了他们的运动灵活性。

浏览我们的选择 跆拳道空手道拳击bjj gi 和 功夫 制服。我们还为武术制服库存 孩子们 和 男人 也是 设备.

Women’s Tae kwon do Uniforms

At Made4Fighters we are proud to offer an extensive range of women’s martial arts uniforms, including a wide range of taekwondo uniforms. We are committed to offering only the best in terms of quality, so widely trusted brands in the industry and who we look to for the latest in innovations and engineering in our martial arts apparel & equipment. You’ll see brands like MootoBytomic and Top Ten appear again and again in categories across the site.

Why does a taekwondo uniform have a v-neck?

Tae kwon do was first practiced in Korea, where it got its name. “Tae” means foot, “kwon” meaning fist and do meaning of, so “the way of the foot and the fist”. Taekwondo uniforms have derived from karate gi, and evolved over time to the typical v-neck tae kwon do suit we see today. Unlike many other martial arts uniforms that typically have a wrap around top, the v-neck shape is a staple on the taekwondo uniform and that is what makes it unique to this martial arts discipline. This means that tae kwon do fighters can execute strikes without concern that their uniform will open at this top, disrupting their flexibility of movement.

Browse our selection of kickboxingkarateboxingBJJ Gi and Kung Fu uniforms. We also stock martial arts uniforms for children and men too, as well as equipment.