





Made4Fightersは、Venum、Sandee、Ringside、Rival、Top Tenなど、業界をリードするブランドからストラップボクシンググローブを提供できることを誇りに思っています。各ブランドはボクシングギアにユニークなエッジをもたらし、パフォーマンスを向上させ、戦闘精神を反映する手袋を備えていることを保証します。 私たちのストラップボクシンググローブには、合成革、プレミアムレザー、カウハイドレザーの回復力など、さまざまな素材があります。すべての戦闘機に合うサイズとデザインを備えた、私たちのコレクション機能:

  • venumエリートボクシンググローブエリートファイターのためにタイで手作りされており、トリプル密度フォームデザインのおかげで、メタカルパルの最適な衝撃吸収と無敵の保護を経験してください。完全に換気され、人間工学に基づいたスタイル。
  • 白いfumetsu alpha proボクシンググローブ -2年間の勤勉さとフメツのデザインチームからの献身の後に作成されたAlpha Proボクシンググローブは、英国で誇らしげに手作りされています。 
  • クレトレイズベルクロボクシンググローブ -t彼は、レイエスのベルクロボクシンググローブをクレトし、スポーツで最高の人として有名で、経験豊富なファイターズのお気に入りです!










私たちの選択で可能な限り最高のボクシング体験を手に入れる準備をしてください ハンギングバッグ!必要なすべての機器は、これらのバッグが提供する信頼できるストレージパワーのおかげで、便利かつ迅速に一緒に保つことができます。 

Why Choose Strap Boxing Gloves?

Strap boxing gloves, also known as hook and loop gloves, offer a convenient and snug fit, ensuring your gloves stay in place no matter the intensity of your workout. With a closure system that's easy to adjust, these gloves are ideal for quick transitions between training scenarios, making them a favourite among boxers of all levels.

Made4Fighters Strap Boxing Gloves Collection

Made4Fighters is proud to offer strap boxing gloves from industry-leading brands such as Venum, Sandee, Ringside, Rival, and Top Ten. Each brand brings its unique edge to boxing gear, ensuring that you're equipped with gloves that enhance your performance and reflect your fighting spirit. Our strap boxing gloves come in various materials, including the resilience of synthetic leather, premium leather and cowhide leather. With sizes and designs to fit every fighter, our collection features:

Venum Elite Boxing Gloves - Hand-crafted in Thailand for the elite fighter, experience optimal shock absorption and unbeatable protection of your metacarpals thanks to their triple density foam design. Perfectly ventilated and ergonomic in style.

White Fumetsu Alpha Pro Boxing Gloves - Created after two years of hard work and dedication from the Fumetsu design team, the Alpha Pro Boxing Gloves are proudly handcrafted in the UK.

Cleto Reyes Velcro Boxing Gloves - The Cleto Reyes Velcro Boxing Gloves, renowned as some of the finest in the sport, an experienced fighters favourite!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes strap boxing gloves different from lace-up gloves?

Strap gloves use a Velcro strap that wraps around the wrist, allowing for a quick and secure fit. Lace-up gloves, while offering a snug fit and better wrist support, require more time to put on and often need another person to tie the laces.

How do I choose the right size for my strap boxing gloves?

The size of boxing gloves is measured in ounces (oz), which typically ranges from 8oz to 20oz. To find the right size, consider your weight and the level of padding you require. Check out this guide to discover the perfect boxing glove size for your needs.

Can I use strap boxing gloves for all types of boxing training?

Yes, strap boxing gloves are versatile and can be used for various types of boxing training. They are suitable for bag work, pad work, and sparring.

Detailed Reviews and Buying Guide:

For more insights on choosing the right strap boxing gloves for your training needs, don't miss out on our expert reviews and buying guides. Dive into our blogs for detailed information:

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Boxing Gloves

Synthetic Sparring Gloves: A Comparative Review

Get ready to get your hands on the best boxing experience possible with our selection of hanging bags! Every piece of equipment you need can be kept together conveniently and quickly - all thanks to the reliable storage power these bags provide.